* FIX: "Don't show scroll button tooltip" from "Tweaking Toolbox XP Settings" wasn't working. igfxtweak provides access to dithering settings of Intel GPUs, which support 4 dithering configurations: Spatial. * FIX: minor fix to Export / Import TTXP settings. * FIX: Clicking "Shortcut Overlay" or "Colors" under the "Explorer" menu didn't change the "Description" to that item.
Version 2.20 is a minor update, which includes: Run only allowed applications, or restrict specific applications.
#Internet tweak tool download windows#
Allow removal of "unremovable" Windows components. Restrict access to certain Control Panel functions. Change or restrict the Windows Start menu and Taskbar. Internet Tweak 4.90 Author: Magellass Corp.
#Internet tweak tool download download#
Change the time interval of the Internet Time Synchronization feature. MajorGeeks.Com » Internet Tools » Speed Tweaks » Internet Tweak 4.90 » Download Now. Change or restrict access to hundreds of Windows settings. Lock down Internet Explorer settings & features. Import / Export Tweaking Toolbox XP Settings. Windows XP administrator account can adjust settings for all users on the local machine without logging into each user account separately. Make Windows XP work the way you want it to. Remove useless clutter (even "unremovable" Windows components). Keep others from changing your settings. Access many hidden Windows registry settings to improve Windows appearance, performance and functionality. Just select which user profile you want to change the settings for, and off you go. However, its complicated functionality is certain to turn more than a few users off. When you are logged into a Windows XP administrator account, Tweaking Toolbox XP can adjust settings for all users on the local machine without logging into each user account separately. Internet Tweak aims to help users with slow computers and Internet connections. Use Tweaking Toolbox XP to change the time interval of the Internet Time Synchronization feature. You can also use Tweaking Toolbox XP to add "unremovable" Windows components (such as Microsoft Messenger) to "Add or Remove Programs" and uninstall these components after all. You can also optimize the CPU and memory usage for Programs, System cache or background services. You can change Windows XP system performance, by selecting to keep the Windows XP core system in memory, and not paged to disk (advisable only if you have 512MB RAM or more). Lock down Control Panel applets, Internet Explorer options, even choose which applications can or can't be run on the computer. Prevent others from changing your settings, increase Windows security. While it was well organized, we feel like 10 days of trying this program will only appeal to users with advanced knowledge of computers and terminology.The utility for any serious Windows tweaker! Change hundreds of registry settings from Windows XP, improving appearance, performance and functionality. The best feature is in the Preferences area, where you can choose to apply these changes across the board or simply to this particular user. Here, thankfully, things are a little more traditional. The program is not short on options for its features either. While we did recognize a small speed improvement, because of this wide swath of terms and functions, this program's functions will only appeal to advanced users. Ranging from the relatively familiar (Boost Modem Transfer Speed) to the unfamiliar (Change MaxMTU for TCP/IP) and everything in between, users may be puzzled. Under each tab (Dialup Networking, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Integration, Netscape Communicator, and Miscellaneous) are long lists of computer terms you can activate. While navigating the program is simple, actually knowing how you are tweaking your Internet and other computer aspects requires some serious knowledge. The Help file will most likely be a necessity unless you are well versed in computer terminology. By balancing the various computer sections it speeds up through six tabs, users can cycle through and make their choices by simply clicking a radio button. The program's interface is well organized and, while the functions may be confusing, is intuitive to navigate through. Internet Tweak aims to help users with slow computers and Internet connections.